Toolbar and tools
Resprite has a powerful toolbar. It provides comprehensive drawing tools, and each tool has rich adjustment parameters.
The toolbar interface
- There is an option in settings to put the toolbar on top

- Click the button
to switch the landscape mode of the toolbar
- Toogle some tool's visibility in toolbar in Preferences->Toolbar. These tools have gestures.
Pencil tool
The most basic drawing tool, but with rich options.
- Brush shape: click to toggle brush shape between Square and Cycle
- Brush size: Drag left to get smaller, right to get bigger, and up down works too
- Blending: When using translucent colors, the color will blend with existing pixels
- Pixel Perfect: Draw a better line, without the L corner pixel
- Alpha Lock: Lock the alpha channel. In other word, can only draw to the area already has content
- Dithering on-off: Click to toggle
- Dither patterns: Drag left or right to navigate patterns
Read more about Dithering.
Double-tap on brush size can reset brush size to 1 directly. Double-tap again to revert.
Eraser tool
Simple eraser tool capable of erasing content. Can be combined with the dithering option to form an empty texture.
Shading tool
Shading the content of the canvas in one direction by a set of colours associated in the palette.
- Colour range: Take the colour selected in the palette and its adjacent colours in the shading direction
- Shading direction: Click to toggle between left and right, up and down. Drag to choose from 4 directions.
- Entire Palette: Shading with all colours in palette
- Turn on "pencil double-tap toggle shading direction" in setting
- Dithering and Pixel Perfect works in shading too
Select tools
Resprite offers the classic three selection tools and their options, as well as free transformation.
3 select sub-tool:
- Marquee: Select as a rectangle
- Lasso: Draw the selection area freely
- Magic wand: Select by colour
3 select mode:
- Replace: Replace the selection mask with new one
- Add: Add new area into current selection area
- Minus: Minus area from current selection area
When a selection, all operations are limited by the area of the selection.
Cancel selection
If you are still in select tool, tap on canvas(out of your selection) once, will cancel the selection. Make sure you are in "Replace" mode. If you are in other tool, there is a "cancel selection" button at the tail of the tool option panel.
The selection's area size
When in selection, the selection's area size is showing on the left-bottom corner instead of Canvas size.

Read about transform.
Modify selection: Inverse, Expand, Contract, Border
Menu->Select->Choose your modify method.

Pick colour from canvas.
The Options:
- All Layers: Sip colour from all layers, otherwise just the selected layer
- Auto Back: Go back to the previous tool after sip a colour
- On Palette: Also select the corresponding colour in the palette, if it exists
Use long-press gesture to pick up colours
Bucket fill
Fill it with pen colour.
The Options:
- Continuous: Only fill the connected area
- Tolerance amount: Let similar colours also act as filled areas
- Ignore colour: Simply ignore the colour on the layer, the entire layer or selection will be filled
- Dither pattern: Fill with dither patterns too
Disable continuous, to replace colour for the layer
Gradient Tool
Fill space with gradient texture.

The Options:
- Continuous: Only fill the connected area
- Tolerance amount: Let similar colours also act as filled areas
- Gradient type: Linear or radial way
- Start and end Colors
- Dithering degree: click to toggle(when disabled, it's RGB gradient), supports 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 dither patterns
Cell move tool
Move content position in cells.
- All Frames: The movement apply to all frames
- All Layers: The movement apply to all layers
Otherwise, only the selected cell in timeline take effects.
Note: If the selected layer is a group, all its descendants are moved.
Shape tools
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- Contour tool (opens in a new tab)
- Brush shape ans size
- Fill: If filled for rectangle and elcipse
- Dither pattern: Draw shapes with dither pattern too
Blur tool
Blur tool will replace the pixel by average of 3x3 around pixels. It supports Alpha-lock, so that you can blur the content without expanding. Change the force field control the blur level.
Spray tool
Spray tool can spray points. It supports alpha-lock too.
- Width: controls the spray area size
- Speed: controls the spray amount

Jumble tool
Jumble tool can randomly move pixels under brush.