This site mainly provides documentation of the iOS version for now, and the docs for the Android and Desktop versions are under construction.

resprite screens
Screenshots of Resprite for iPad, iPhone and Android
*Tiger image is from 史大巴 *Girl image is from 围巾不吸水 *Street image is from 川越

Pixel art editor for iOS, Android and Desktop

*Free trial
*One-time purchage is supported

Enjoy excellent user experience on different platforms.

Release Note for iOS

Resprite R36

Sept 15 2024
- New: Support canvas rotation, closed by default, open in Settings->Canvas
- New: Themes can be shared and imported, and we have a discord channel for sharing the theme files
- Optimization: Long press the canvas size text in the status bar to display the canvas in the center
- Optimization: Long press the zoom level text in the status bar to step the current zoom level
- Optimization: Long press the rotation angle in the status bar to reset the angle to 0
- Optimization: After setting the pen color, if the current tool is not a drawing tool, the pencil tool will be automatically selected
- Optimization: Add a switch to long press gesture if working with non-drawing tools, closed by default
(The above two items make it automatically start drawing with the pencil tool after long press gestures are used at any time)
- Optimization: When importing a palette GPL file, user can actively selects the capacity of each line
- Optimization: Optimize a large number of Spanish translations (thanks to Giossue's help)
- Optimization: Change the preview zoom level to a step-by-step one
- Optimization: You can purchase the lifetime from [Help->Support] during the subscription period, don't forget to cancel the subscription
- Optimization: Optimize the content layout of the action bar settings page
- Optimization: Added a donate coffee entry in the help
- Optimization: Added a switch to display a larger handle in the canvas settings, which is easier to drag with your fingers after turning it on
- Fixed: The problem of not being able to display the flip button alone in the action bar
- Fixed: The problem of losing properties such as duration when pasting frames
- Fixed: Hidden or locked layers should not be able to be moved

Resprite R35

June 26 2024
- NEW: Español language(beta)
- NEW: Layer multi-selection and operations(menu&move)
- OP: Can move multi-selected frames together
- OP: The move tool supports timeline multi-selection
- OP: Add a delete button next to the cut button in select tool
- OP: Add sprite flip buttons to action bar(Open it in preferences)
- OP: Better experience when inserting big image into canvas
- OP: Optimize the display when the timeline height is very small
- OP: Update embedded rpl file format
- OP: Insert text dialog keeps color and text size state
- OP: Add seperators in blendmodes list
- OP: Update font files
- OP: Show deselect btn for Magic Wand tool
- FIX: Fixed incorrect behavior when undoing canvas rotation
- FIX: Wrong empty line when append colors to an empty palette
- FIX: Fix some translation strings
- FIX: Redo failed after deleting layer
- FIX: Fix display of clip tail line
- FIX: Fix playback frame order confusion
Read more for iOS.

Release Note for DA

Resprite V1.3

Sept 20 2024
- New: Outline function, by menu->edit->outline, you can have a button in action bar in settings
- New: Gradient tool
- New: Button sound effect and haptic feedback, can be turned off in settings
- New: Stylus side button action, for example, the S-Pen side button can be used to erase when pressed, there is an option in the settings
- Optimization: Let users choose the arrangement width when importing GPL palettes
- Optimization: Better debug info in help dialog
- Optimization: The category list of help window is moved to the top when narrow screens
- Fixed: The import sprite sheet dialog box is not fully displayed when the screen height is very small
- Fixed: Sometimes the confirmation dialog box is not fully displayed and the button cannot be clicked
- Fixed: Layers should not be able to be moved when locked or hidden

Resprite V1.2

Sept 5 2024
- Added symmetric tool
- Added sharing and importing of themes
- Optimization: In Settings->General->Small menu entry, you can hide the menu bar and use the button entry instead.
(Small screen devices can be enabled to save screen space)
- Optimization: You can modify the display content of the action bar in Settings->Action bar
(Small screen devices can set to turn off uncommon buttons to save screen space)
- Optimize the size of all dialog boxes to ensure that they can be displayed on small screen devices
- Optimize the layout of settings and palette preset table windows on small screen devices
- Optimize the display of semi-transparent colors in the palette, palette preset table, and theme settings interface
- Optimize the borders and theme colors of the canvas, preview images, and palette color grids, which are turned on by default and can be turned off in settings
- Optimize the display of the zoom ratio of the images imported into the sprite sheet and add chamfers
- Optimize the automatic jump of gift codes
- Optimize the open file button in the action bar. The original direct selection of the import package has been changed to open the imported menu
- Fix the problem that the zoom ratio text color of the preview window does not follow the theme
Read more for DA.
