This site mainly provides documentation of the iOS version for now, and the docs for the Android and Desktop versions are under construction.

Pixel art editor for iOS, Android and Desktop
*One-time purchase is supported
Powerful toolset
Contour, Shading, Dithering...
Aseprite file compatibility
Import and Export
Insert Text Tool
Support ttf/ttc/otf/otc fonts
Outline and Color Adjust
Advanced edit methods
Modern Timeline
Group layer, multi-selection
Onion-Skin and Grid
And Isometric lines
Symmetric Tools
in X|Y directions
Import and export
Import and Export
Animation Clip
Many clips in one sprite
Playback modes
Forward, Backward, Ping-pong
Alpha Channel & Blending
Blending with alpha channel
Shading Tool
Draw light and shadows
Tiled Preview
Draw repeated paterns
Dither brush
Embedded dither patterns
Gradient tool
Linear and radial
Blend modes
Even for group layer
Pixel Perfect
Auto remove L corner pixels
Freestyle Palette
Group related colors togeter
Clipping mask
A must have draw way
Reference Images
Import images as references
Custom Themes
With your favorite colors
Deco Manager
Floating cute gifs
Focus mode
One gesture to get in
Flexible Layout
Find your best layout
Apple Pencil & Gestures
Long press pick color and more
File Lock
Lock NSFW files with password
Safe Zone
Find back data
Alpha Lock
Draw only on existing
Batch Export
Easy to cooperate with Desktop
Screen time, sprites count
Painting process
Curve Tool
Draw perfect curves